Cuts and injuries (post surgeries)

Of many domestically, easily acquired skin wounds and cuts (kitchen, carpentry, sports, etc.) we often do not even pay much attention to, just to realize after several days and weeks that they are not closing fast enough On the top, they often end with an infection that after may lead into complicated treatment an unfortunately, even with a severe outcome.
For such, clean wounds (fresh and without an existing infection) HealDerm is a solution to very quickly restitute the skin damage and close it, often without or with the minimal scar. 
Post surgical rehabilitation is also a very pestering experience, that you can shorten significantly with the use of HealDerm.  Same applies in wounds from falling from the bicycle or scooter, treat them with this natural colostrum cream and be back to the bike in no time.
  • Day 1 - Before using HealDerm

  • After 4 days

  • After one week

  • After 12 days

  • Before using HealDerm

    Had a kidney transplant surgery in Jordan

  • After 14 days

  • Before using HealDerm

    45 year old, shoulder dislocation surgery

  • After 7 days