Non-healing chronic venous wounds
This medical issue has put a lot of challenges in front of health professionals for a long time and there was no adequate cure for it. There were various complications which were disabling patients to live a normal life. With HealDerm, we can start focusing on these patients to offer them therapeutic solutions and treat these complicated wounds.
Impaired venous drainage in lower extremities develop chronic venous ulcers, mainly due to venous reflux or venous outflow obstruction. Micro-circulatory disturbances come from the elevated venous pressure that led to a cascade of pathophysiological events, potentially culminating in tissue breakdown and the onset of painful wounds. In the most severe cases, surgical intervention to eradicate the underlying cause of venous hypertension is often the last hope. With an appearance of the HealDerm, we open the possibility to treat these hard wounds and save patients from agonizing life.